Resident Choice is Not Optional (Kansas)

May 1, 2024

During a recent survey, surveyors identified that residents did not know that they had a choice of what to eat. The week-at-a-glance indicated the planned meal and an alternative meal; however, residents were not aware of the communities “always available” menu.

Always Available menus provide residents with additional choices beyond the planned meals. The always available menus were accessible by residents going to the dining room as the menu was placed outside of the dining room on a wall next to the week-at-a-glance. However, residents that received room trays were given menus to circle what they wanted but were not provided additional choices beyond that.

Upon the start of survey, the surveyors asked residents if they were happy with their food. Some residents that were receiving room trays complained about the lack of choices. Here is what should have happened.

All residents must be aware of the planned meals along with any always available items. The residents’ concerns regarding lack of choice should have been discussed at the resident council meeting so that a quality assurance plan can be put into place and monitored for compliance.

Remember that surveyors have the option to interview all residents in the community regarding their satisfaction with meals, beverages, and snacks. For this reason, it is recommended that satisfaction surveys be completed on at least 25% of the community each quarter. Concerns noted should be addressed immediately and monitored for compliance.

Categories: Meal Service, Quality of Care