crandall menu system hero


Exceeding Industry Standards for Over 50 Years

Ensure regulatory compliance, provide consistency across communities and implement superior training

We stand firmly behind CrandallSystems, the management and clinical tools we’ve developed to streamline and enhance your organization’s dining operations.


Crandall dietitians are trained in our robust policies and procedures, which we refine and update continuously. Our unique approach prepares each Crandall dietitian to work in their respective communities according to our industry’s regulatory best practices. Your CrandallConsultant is your advocate and will help to ensure systems compliance.


Whether you use all of CrandallSystems, only certain pieces, or you want our consultants to use your policies and procedures, there is a model for that

crandall menu system support

When you implement CrandallSystems, your dining team(s) will have access to these foundational resources via our online portal - the Crandall Web Center (CWC)

  • Policies and Procedures
  • QuickStart Training
  • Clinical Charting Handbook
  • Individual Performance Checklists
  • All forms, documents, in-services, and video trainings for dietary directors and staff

crandall menu system care provider

Additional Tools on the Crandall Web Center (CWC) For Long-term Care Providers:

  • Nutrition Intervention Guidelines
  • Quality Assurance Systems
  • Reference Manual for Nursing

These tools are available online and accessible 24/7 on the Crandall Web Center (CWC). If your staff needs assistance they can connect with our support team at no additional cost. We’re here to help you succeed.

crandall menu system darolyn jorgensen kares

"Thank goodness we switched to Crandall many years ago.”

“Could not imagine trying to help multiple assisted living and skilled nursing facilities stay in compliance without the Crandall system! Their tools and website are truly a blessing and lifesaver! Thank you for all you and your team do to stay ahead of the curve. Keep up the wonderful work!"

Darolyn Jorgensen-Kares

Chief Operating Officer

crandall menu system results

Explore Real-Life Examples of How CrandallSystems Impacts Survey Results.

Call or Contact Us

Contact us with questions or to request a proposal or demo. We’re here and happy to assist you!